[NTLK] Admission (was: Adding battery tray to eMate)

Doug ispinn at gmail.com
Wed Mar 26 10:41:05 PDT 2025

> No answer?? Hmmm.


> That's it, checking the communication > here.? Thanks,
> Greg / Doc Clu

Doc Clu and NTLK,

My answer isn't snarky, but it'll sure sound like it. Some may even say
"word salad." Please proceed with a smirk on your face, not a scowl. (-;

I'd rather answer over the phone, first.* Seriously. My "60/60 Rule" says a
minute on the phone can address and accomplish more than an hour of typing.

And yet… one of NTLK's benefits is that after all the typing's done, typing
shares important info. Discussion threads are saved forever. Future archive
searches provide answers. So, type them out, dang it!

…but I need lots more info from you, first. My mistake is that I could have
emailed you offline to ask for that info, but I didn't.

*Then - and here's the clincher - is that after getting more info, 1)I'd
have clarified things enough to both give you the answers, maybe, that you
needed, 2)AND after the fact I could have gone back to the list and typed
the "answer" and not the "search for the answer," to complete my obligation
in the archiving cycle.

I didn't want to get bogged down in typing through the search part, even
though I wanted to help you find your answer.


"When it takes longer to explain the things than it does for the things to
occur." That's my current lot in life at the moment.

I'll email you offline. :-)


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