[NTLK] Looking for the full version of Columbo‘s Mystery Capers

Doctor Clu drclu at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 26 06:26:04 PDT 2025

Love this topic.  Was made aware of the fact that Columbo's Mystery 
Caper was part produced by Mike Berlyn, who later created Bubsy Bobcat 
for the Sega Genesis, Super Nintendo, and Bubsy 3D for the Playstation.


I would love it if we could secure full copies of this game and Motile! 
which Berlyn also helped create.

We have some celebrity developers in the Newton world!

Greg / Doc Clu

On 3/25/25 11:46 PM, Alex Brofsky wrote:
> I was wondering if a full version of "Columbo's Mystery Capers" exists for
> download somewhere? I know that there is a demo version on unna (
> http://www.unna.org/view.php?/games/ColumbosMysteryCapersDemo) but, I don't
> see the full version on that site, or anywhere else. I ask because I came
> across this eBay listing that seems to have the full version available on a
> PCMCIA ROM card:
> https://www.ebay.com/itm/326227181909
> If I had an actual Newton myself, I'd buy it and then attempt to
> backup/dump the ROM card. For those who already own this game, has anyone
> had any luck backing up the PCMCIA ROM card to a .ppcard image file/.pkg
> file?
> Thanks so much!
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