[NTLK] How to remove a stubborn Newton 2100 battery?

Grant Hutchinson splorp at mac.com
Thu Mar 20 09:50:11 PDT 2025

> On Mar 19, 2025, at 2:10 PM, Huxley Dunsany via NewtonTalk <newtontalk at newtontalk.net> wrote:
> Are these batteries known to swell with age? The outer case of the Newton itself is a bit sticky with age (as are my other Newtons) - might this just be a sticky battery case? Given the age and probable brittleness of the plastics involved I’d prefer to not have to remove screws and take the system apart...

I’ve run into this a couple of times with the rechargeable packs ... sometimes that “crusty battery gunk” forms on the end terminal of the pack and can kind of glue the pack to the terminals. I’ve never seen a pack expand, but depending on how much gunk has been expressed from the pack, it could really get things jammed up.

You might need to pop the case part in order to gain access to the battery compartment and clean things out.

I would try tapping the Newton case lightly on a soft surface at the opposite end of where the battery comes out. That might loosen up the crustiness. Then apply some additional gentle prying, maybe with a plastic spudger?


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