[NTLK] Followp: Can anybody shed some light on this Newton error?

NewtonTalk newtontalk at pda-soft.de
Tue Mar 8 17:22:21 PST 2022

>>    An error occurred installing the
>>    package "NT-FR". It may not work
>>    with this system. Contact the
>>    software publisher for further
>>    information. (Part 0, Type frame).

> When you are getting these errors, are you using the NTK debugger and
toolkit (it?s been a long time, I may have the names wrong).

You probably mean the NTK Inspector. Yes, I'm using it, but it didn't show
any info. At least until I installed BugTrap half an hour ago...

Now the Inspector shows the following:

    Expected an array, frame, or binary object, got 30
    Error -48200
    functions.RegisterNewPackage(<package, length 3872>, {_parent:
    _proto: {#C406325}, 
   store: 51434234, 
   soups: [#C406361], 
   version: 4}, TRUE), 78: Branch 82
   Entering break loop: level 1

Amazingly, "RegisterNewPackage" can't be found in the searchable NewtonTalk
archive, and I didn't find it in any NTK platform file, either.

> ... wait, are you talking about Watson on Einstein?

I'm talking about Einstein with a Watson ROM. Although I doubt there's
anyone on this planet who owns more Newtons that I do, I do not own a real
Watson. Well, yet...

> Sorry, but on the Watsons it's the same mistake.
> http://message-pad.net/Download/Watson-Tribute/NewtTest-LangueFR-Bad.jpg

This is what I feared. Thanks for trying it out so promptly, though.

I think that problem is caused by Paul's Watson Enabler, because the
original un-enabled version installs fine. It might be that the
WatsonEnabler only supports Newton Application parts, which are of type
"form". My language pack is a Newton Store Part, which is of type "soup". 

Do you think it would be appropriate to file a bug or request an update of
the DCL library at GitHub? 

It wouldn't be the end of the world if this can't be resolved. People using
"Normal" Newtons will be able to install the language packs just fine. And
Watson owners would still benefit from all updates of the NewtTest app



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