[NTLK] Einstein on E-Ink

L.W. Brown lwb at mac.com
Sat Feb 13 22:44:27 PST 2021


> On Feb 13, 2021, at 6:09 PM, M.D. S <mdsf001 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Keep in mind this was done in 2017...
> I installed it on the Onyx Book Max (or Max2, can't recall precisely which
> I sold in 2018) more as a proof of concept / personal challenge. It ran
> Android 6.
> Performance was sluggish owing to the processor in the device so it wasn't
> ever used for daily use. However as a lover of e-ink devices I do recognize
> the potential of such a device running Einstein. Perhaps today's e-ink
> readers may fare better. I found performance on my Android phone LG G7 to
> be far superior albeit in a much smaller screen.
> One pet peeve I do recall was that the trash animation wasn't fluid owing
> to the nature of how e-ink works.
> Cheers!

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