[NTLK] eMates for sale for £100 plus postage

Doctor Clu drclu at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 20 09:01:22 PDT 2025


      *Dean Mowll*
      (at) yahoo  ( dot) com

This is may not right for this group but thought I would at least try as 
it is still a vintage Apple product. Quite a niche item but still very 
collectible I think. I have around 15 of these all with original power 
supplies and stylus. I have tested 10 so far and all power up, display 
well, touchscreen works and back light also works. All buttons tested 
and working fine. So all tested as far as I can but without any original 
discs, I am unable to test disc drive. Average condition I would say 
8/10. This particular one has some sticker residue on the top which can 
be removed. All have been given a clean but some could do with a deeper 
clean to bring back to pristine condition. None have any actual damage 
to shells or screens. All hinges are perfect. I can obviously take 
photos of each individual eMate working for anyone interested in buying. 
I am selling very very cheap at only £100 plus postage plus any fees 
I.e, PayPal goods services fee. I hope this post is allowed. If anyone 
interested, please comment below. 1st come, 1st served. I am based in 
U.K but willing to post over seas. Thank you

Picture of the eMates:


(Not mine, but found it cool to pass on - Doc Clu)

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