[NTLK] Pic of Unused Newton interconnect port connectors

Doctor Clu drclu at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 11 06:02:08 PST 2025

On 2/11/25 5:09 AM, Matthias Melcher wrote:
> Thanks for reminding us of the interconnect port.

I'm sure there are people who remember the interconnect port quite well, 
especially those that have Newtons without the USB add-on, or the 
"dongle destroyer", etc.

> I doubt that they will ever press new plugs, but if we could convince them, I can offer to make new dongles. It's relatively easy to make USB-C dongles, and the missing plug is by far the biggest holdup.

That would be great.  Still quite a few out there looking for dongles.

> How many dongles do you think would be needed, and what would be a fair price? The more we make, the cheaper they get.

How many are currently on this list?Maybe a third of that number?

As for price, in the retro computer/fan work not uncommon for things to 
run in the $50-$80 range.

> I can offer to pay for a batch of connectors if that helps to convince the manufacturer. I did have a batch of the internal modem port plugs made 15 or so years ago, and the minimum order was 350 back then. I still have a few of those left.
>   - Matthias

That internal modem port is so cool.  Glad you grabbed some of those.

If 350 is around the size that works towards a production, I believe 
I've seen a few projects in recent history that were available and just 
"needed interconnectors".  Right here is one project I've been looking 
forward to:


So a group or combined order of several people wanting to do projects 
like this, make dongles, audio cables, etc might be something we could 
approach Kensington with.

Greg / Doc Clu

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