[NTLK] 1st time Newton user in 2024 + connectivity questions

Sonny Hung sonnyhung at gmail.com
Tue Mar 26 07:37:26 PDT 2024

On Tue, Mar 26, 2024 at 4:29 AM Sebastian from Cornica <info at cornica.org>

> Speaking of batteries, it's fun to receive a mobile device that doesn't
> come with a built-in battery! This is so 1990's - and I love it! Had my
> new Newton up in no time thanks to 4x AA batteries. Though will order
> rechargable ones soon. (any tips on capacity? Anything I should be aware
> of?)
> 1. Power Mac 7500 running OS 7.6.1, serial cable in the printer port
> 2. MessagePad 130 running ROM version D-2.0 (535334)-0
> .....
> What gives?
> What am I doing wrong?
> Maybe a kind soul can help a Newton newbie out? (off-list?)
> Also, the thing is supposed to have a backlight if I got it right. How
> do I activate it?
> Kind Regards from Bavaria
> Sebastian
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Greetings Sebastian,

Welcome to the Newton Fold :)
Regarding batteries for your MP130.
Your unit uses as you know:
1) AA Alkaline batteries
2) AA NiMH
3) AA NiCD (Officially offered rechargeable packs)
When using the rechargeable packs you will notice that in the battery
compartment, there should be a Black Plastic Film in the center.
It should lay flat, but sometimes it's bent upward. Below this film is a
small square button switch. When you install a Rechargeable Pack it will
depress this switch and tell the Newont you have a Rechargeable Pack
installed. These packs are quite old and likely flat and the AA cells can
be replaced. Now you can replace them with AA NiCD cells, but some people
have suggested they could be replaced with NiMH AA cells. They based it on
the possibility that the charging characteristics should work. *However,
I'm not certain of this fact so I place a warning for anyone to try at your
own risk.* If anyone should do so I'd like to get a report on how long they
were being used, the charge time, and about their capacity. *NOTE: When
removing the plates from the Rechargeable Packs I would recommend placing
them in the Freezer for at least 15-30 minutes. The cold will stiffen the
glue and make it easier to lift off. After the removal of the plates, I
suggest having a strip of wax paper about the size of the plates to
cover and protect the glue.* To replace the AA Cells of a Rechargeable Pack
remove one plate carefully, have your replacement AA cells
aligned properly, and then adhere them to the cells. One thought did come
into mind just now, if you have the battery compartment open you could
place one plate in the indent where the black plastic film would be seated
down. Then insert all four AA cells in their proper orientation and end
with placing the last plate aligned the same on the top of the cells.

Capacity for NiMH AA cells will depend on how large the circumference of
the cells is because there is an increase in circumference the higher the
capacity the cells are, and it would be a bummer if they didn't fit
properly and allow the battery cover to close easily.

Cheers and enjoy.

MP130 with the Battery Cover removed.

Newton MessagePad Charging Station (Compatible with MP110/120/130) on the
left side of the photo.

Haven't done it in a long time (Connecting my Newton to a Computer).
My setups are:

1) Macintosh Color Classic to Newton using a Mini Din 8 (Male/Male)
Mac OS 7.6.1 or maybe 7.5.x?, NCU 1.0 to connect.
If I recall correctly (been too long) you *start the connection in NCU*,
but you have to *set Receive on the Newton* too.

*I think it should be set to a Serial Connection also.*Hopefully, someone
can chime in on this as my memory is failing.

2) iMac DV (Blue) to Newton using a USB Keyspan USA-28 or 28X (which I
should have both) using a Mini Din 8 (Male/Male)
For MP2000/MP2100 you need a Newton Interconnect. The eMate 300 uses this,
but can also use the Mini Din 8 (Male/Male).

Newton Interconnect


God bless,

Sonny Hung
the Hung Family


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