[NTLK] Last attempt at ROMs for Einstein, I need your help

Matthias Melcher m.melcher at robowerk.de
Sat Sep 2 02:27:16 PDT 2023

I really love the idea of making a video with many user, maybe a bunch of celebrities, asking for use of the ROM, maybe even more. In the style of an Apple commercial? I'd be willing to donate for such a video.

tl;dr: I (as a co author of Einstein) *need* permission to include the ROM. I would *love* permission to be in the App Store. It would be *nice* to have internal documentation and source code, but if that decision holds up the release of the ROM, then the ROM has absolute priority!

From the pointe of view of emulation, we would need to include the ROM binaries (US, DE, eMate, but French ROM is unlikely as there is code from Schlumberger in it) into Einstein to make it easy and spontaneous to use. This is the only wy IMHO to have a web base emulator for everyone to access. 

The second thing, after ROM use, would be a space in the App Store. Einstein violates at least two rules of the app store, making it really difficult to install on iOS devices. One, they generally don't allow emulators, and two, they don't allow software that is similar to Apple software.

The third thing is a huge bonus, but we can live very comfortably without it. Any developer documentation, documentation about hardware registers, and of course, part of, or the entire ROM and REx source code, would be awesome to have. We could understand more and fix stuff. However, Einstein runs very stable without the original source code. 

 - Matthias

> On 2. Sep 2023, at 00:50, Larry Yaeger <larry.yaeger at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sep 1, 2023, at 3:26 PM, Noah Leon <moosefuel at gmail.com> wrote:
>> One more thing,
>>> NewtonOS with its HWR may contain binaries where Apple doesn't own or even have access to the source code.
>> It’s true that the Paragraph software would probably have to be removed, but Larry Yeager’s print recognizer is certainly Apple’s. I believe that’s one of the reasons the cursive recognizer was left out of the eMate. Maybe we should shoot for the eMate source code specifically.
> That’s a really interesting observation, Noah.  I’d forgotten or didn’t realize the eMate did not have Paragraph in it.  Targeting the eMate source and ROM might get around the largest intellectual property roadblock.

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