[NTLK] [ANN] ICS Newton software now on GitHub

Larry Yaeger larry.yaeger at gmail.com
Tue Nov 14 23:52:12 PST 2023

Baffling.  I'd be curious to see exactly what "python" and "python3" are invoking.  Don't know about zsh, but in bash try the following and see what it produces compared to my results:

$ builtin type python
python is hashed (/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin/python)

$ builtin type python3
python3 is hashed (/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/bin/python3)

As for the suggestion regarding "false" vs "False", I'm afraid that error message is misleading.  Neither the word "false" nor "False" appears anywhere in the Python script.

I also conjectured maybe it needs a first and last name, but it doesn't.  It just uses whatever intact string you give it.  It does mess with it a little, converting to uppercase and padding it if there are fewer than 10 characters, but there's no parsing it into first and last names.  And just to test your exact case, I tried "ctb" and it worked fine:

$ python ics-newton-codes.py "ctb"
ICS Newton Registration codes for user "ctb":
GestureLaunch: OQHNGONSTR

Result is the same for python3.

I guess you can just use the above if the script continues to fight back on your machine.

- larryy

> On Nov 15, 2023, at 1:45 AM, Craig Bradley <ctb at mac.com> wrote:
> The only thing I can see different is the “%” prompt rather than “$”. I am using the zsh. When I switch to bash I get the same error. 
> cbradley at Craigs-Mac-Studio-10 downloads % python3 ics-newton-codes.py "ctb"
> NameError: name 'false' is not defined
> cbradley at Craigs-Mac-Studio-10 downloads % 
> //Craig
>> On 15 Nov 2023, at 5:01 pm, Larry Yaeger <larry.yaeger at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Nov 14, 2023, at 10:56 PM, Craig Bradley via NewtonTalk <newtontalk at newtontalk.net> wrote:
>>> I have any keep getting the same error "NameError: name 'false' is not defined”
>> Weird.  On a recent Mac with Sonoma 14.1 it works with both python 2.7.18 and 3.9.13:
>> $ python ics-newton-codes.py "Larry Yaeger"
>> ICS Newton Registration codes for user "Larry Yaeger":
>> MultiTask: YNXVAVLEFC
>> GestureLaunch: QNBJBGDIXF
>> $ python --version
>> Python 2.7.18
>> $ python3 ics-newton-codes.py "Larry Yaeger"
>> ICS Newton Registration codes for user "Larry Yaeger":
>> MultiTask: YNXVAVLEFC
>> GestureLaunch: QNBJBGDIXF
>> $ python3 --version
>> Python 3.9.13
>> Note that in the script they provide a sample set of registration codes in case you can't get the script to work:
>> In case you can't get this Python script to work, you can use the following
>> codes for user "Izzy Newt":
>>     MultiTask: LOSUBNHJIE
>>     GestureLaunch: BHUASHGBKJ
>>     BarKeep: RIBLROSLEE
>>     WhatToDo: XKYSHRDXJX
>>     Twerx: JNOVKPPCZH
>> - larryy

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