[NTLK] Bootstrapped 2000

Dan dan at dbdigitalweb.com
Mon Aug 14 18:34:41 PDT 2023

On 8/14/2023 4:10 PM, NewtonTalk wrote:
> So, in comes my MessagePad 130 which unfortunately has a dead PC Card slot. 
> I?ve tried two different cards and the 130 doesn?t even know they?re there.
> People who have used a 2x00 for a longer time tend to forget that 1x0
> Newtons have a switch that must be engaged in order for the Newton to
> recognize the card.
> Good luck!
> Frank

Something else that is often forgotten: the 130 is more limited on the cards it can read compared to the 2x00.  If the card has a reading voltage of 3.3v only it won't work at all on a 130.  Most of them are 3.3v and 5v reading, but not all.  Especially the newer cards.  Also if their writing voltage is 5v instead of 12v, the 130 can usually read it (if the voltage is 5v) but not write to the card.  Usually it will say the card is write protected in this case.


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