[NTLK] Hello all, I need some assistance from the List.

Sylvain Pilet sylvain at pilet.net
Wed Apr 5 01:06:50 PDT 2023

Hi Forrets,

The eMate300 memory expansion module of the time is one of the hardest things to find. There were only a few sold and there was only one module available. To find one of those memory expansion modules from that time today you need to be very lucky!

When or module is on the left (when you look at the returned eMate) it is the module that contains the ROM Card.

There have been and still are several projects to create new eMate300 compatible expansion modules, many of these projects have often remained in draft form but of these, one seems to have resulted in a finalised version, that of Androda. Androda is already known to Macintosh and PowekBook fans, they also sell the BlueSCSI cards. These modules are sold at this address:
https://androda.work/product/emate-dram-and-flash-upgrade/Il and is available in two distinct versions;
- a DRAM version which increases the system memory ($35)
- a DRAM + Flash version that increases both system RAM and internal storage. (45)

Has anyone here tested this yet?

Sylvain Pilet
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