[NTLK] Need info on multi-language support of Newton packages

Sylvain Pilet sylvain at pilet.net
Sun Feb 27 03:01:50 PST 2022

Frank, all,

In my experience as a Newton user, I do not recall a Newton application that had multiple languages embedded and that gave the user a choice. Even the commercial applications for Newton had (for some of them) localized versions in French, or German, but they were not multilingual, they were offered in one or the other language.

My experience as a Newton developer is too little. But I like to poke around in the source code of Newton applications, it's another way of learning…
And I have seen in source code, a language management before compilation, with several possible translations (in fact as many as you want) and the compilation was done according to the language written in the "Language" field of the [Project Setting] window of NTK. I don't remember exactly what this application was, I would look in the disks of my Mac dedicated to NTK if this program is still there. Me may not be an official language manager in NTK, but I found this method clean, as it clearly indicates the language in the pkg code.


> Le 26 févr. 2022 à 23:54, NewtonTalk <newtontalk at pda-soft.de> a écrit :
> Hi gang,
> I'm currently working on localizing NewtTest since Silvain kindly translated
> my texts into French. I'm aware of the compile-time functions
> SetLocalizationFrame and LocObj, have tried them out, and they work
> Thanks, as usual
> Frank

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