[NTLK] Einstein version 2022.4.17 ready for download, your input needed

Matthias Melcher m.melcher at robowerk.de
Sun Feb 6 05:21:17 PST 2022

Hi Newtonians,

After a lot of activity over the last month, I made v2022.4.17 available as binary release for Mac, Windows, and Linux:


Please consider this as a v2022.5.0 alpha, as I will need some feedback from all of you:

The FLTK version has a new dialog box for installing essential software from UNNA without any effort. See "Help -> Install Essentials.." in the main menu. The dialog box still contains the Y10k patch which is no longer needed, links to all the network enabler resources, and a very short list of software that I personally like (ViewFrame).

Would you please add software suggestions where you feel that they are absolutely essential for someone who uses the Newton for the first time.

I am thinking of a browser, something with pen input like a drawing app, one or two games that make use of pen input or that are genuine to the Newton, maybe some other Rolodex style software?

Please provide a link to UNNA for easy testing.

Also, please take a look at the About.. dialog and the licenses and contributers section and let me know if I need to make changes there.


 - Matthias

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