[NTLK] Looking for a SE30...

Marisa Giancarla fstltna at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 4 12:33:26 PDT 2021

As far as I know a lot of the official devtools only work on MacOS 7.x, 
and definitely drivers/extensions. I already have plenty of modern 
computers I can use, but not as nice as the Newton->Mac environment. I 
already have BasiliskII running on my Linux devices, but I want the 
intended hardware etc that will let me use things like ZIP drives, 
appletalk, etc. I want to be able to sync my 2100 to the Mac, use the 
Mac's printer, etc...


On 4/4/21 10:34 AM, Michael Sheflin wrote:
> Why an SE/30?
> On Sun, Apr 4, 2021, 5:14 AM Marisa Giancarla via NewtonTalk 
> <newtontalk at newtontalk.net <mailto:newtontalk at newtontalk.net>> wrote:
>     Looking for a SE 30 to use for creating Newton freeware software, but
>     don't want to pay ebay prices... Any pointers appreciated!
>     Marisa
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