[NTLK] NOS Backups and Restores

Dan dan at dbdigitalweb.com
Thu Apr 1 19:08:10 PDT 2021

On 4/1/2021 11:11 AM, Pawel Piotrowski wrote:
>> On 1 Apr 2021, at 15:50, Alan Grassia  wrote:
>> Aloha Newton Friends,
> Hi Alan,
>> Today’s question is about making Newton backups to a storage card and restoring them.
>> I have two Newtons: a MessagePad 2000 running Newton OS 2.1 (717260)-1 and a MessagePad 2000 that has been upgraded by Apple to a MessagePad 2100 also running Newton OS 2.1 (717260)-1.  I will refer to the upgraded Newton as a 2100 here.
> I would suggest to install system patch first to have 711000 version (https://40hz.org/Pages/newton/patches/patch711000/ <https://40hz.org/Pages/newton/patches/patch711000/>).
>> I have read the MessagePad 2000 User’s Manual pg 211 on how to backup and restore a Newton.  In my opinion, the manual implies backing up and restoring to the same Newton.  I also took a look at the Newton OS section of the Newton FAQ (http://newtonfaq.com/newton-faq-nos.html#IIIB3a) for mention of backing up and restoring to a storage card and, unless I missed it, I didn’t see anything about backing up on one device, and restoring it to a second.
>> So, my question comes down to this: Can I safely run a backup on my Newton MessagePad 2000 to its storage card, load the card into my upgraded MessagePad 2100, and restore the backup without causing too much havoc?
>> Once the backup is restored, I intend to operate both Newtons as separate devices.  I am looking for a quick way to get the MessgePad 2100 to match the MessagePad 2000 as a starting point.
>> I presume that what I’m trying to do is ok, but you know what happens when you assume, and it’s not like I can get my Newton serviced by Apple if I brick it.
> If you want to have a full backup I would advice to make full backup with NCU app. If you will do that backup you can transfer all content to another machine.
> I’m not sure if card backup make the full backup - I’ve never used that option - I always prefer to have full backup on my computer.

A better option if you want to backup and restore to cards is to use SBM utilities.  It was released as freeware a few years back.  While you CAN do a full card backup with the Newton's built-in abilities (checking the backup packages box to have them done as well) it can restore your Newt to the exact state it was before with the exception of system updates.  But SBM can do more than one backup on a card if you have the room. http://www.softwarebueromueller.de/englisch/newton/sbmutils/

NCU/NBU (Newton Connection Utilities, Newton Backup Utilities) can do the job as well and you don't have to worry about storage space, however, it can be tricky to get a connection to work with a desktop.  Many of us use emulators with older operating systems to get a better/more reliable connection.  

Backing up and restoring to/from a card always works and you don't have worry about the connection dropping if you are using a more modern machine.  It is also light years faster.  A few minutes vs half an hour or longer with NCU/NBU.


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