[NTLK] Adding battery tray to eMate

Doctor Clu drclu at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 26 04:43:26 PDT 2025

Hi all,

No answer?  Hmmm.

A couple of questions this morning:

1) Do you see this message?   Seems often I write but I don't hear an 
answer or see a response to things written.

2) How can I post to NewtonTalk and not have my name show up as "Patrick 

That's it, checking the communication here.  Thanks,

Greg / Doc Clu

On 3/25/25 8:37 AM, Greg Goodwin wrote:
> Bought afour AA battery tray I got from ebaythat was all wired up with 
> the standard red and black wire coming out of it.
> Took the existing wires from the eMate battery pack and tied red wire 
> to red wire and black wire to black wire.
> Overall it worked. Powered the eMate and I was able to work on it a 
> few minutes. However, wouldn't read the battery level correctlyand 
> while I was able to power the eMate off at the keyboard switch, it 
> could only be turned on by the reset switch.
> Am I right in believing there is not any resting current from the 
> wired in battery tray to power up from the keyboard power switch? Any 
> ideas on how to adjust this so the keyboard power switch can be used?
> Doc Clu
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