[NTLK] Did I miss the memo?

L.W. Brown lwb at mac.com
Sat Jan 4 17:05:30 PST 2025

you might try UTM, as i have the ability to create an OS9 VM with it, and it could easily set up a Win7 VM—they have a bunch of pre-rolled VMs: Win7 is easy, and tho OS9 is no longer listed in the UTM Library, i’m happy to share it, as i had downloaded it from before UTM was available on the AppleStore (also, UTM is available for Windows & iOS, plus has multiple Linux pre-rolls).
-L.W. Brown
via 8s+

> On Jan 4, 2025, at 16:26, Dan <dan at dbdigitalweb.com> wrote:
> Hmm very interesting.  I fired up Einstein and no problems at all.  I tried to set it further ahead but it keeps coming back to today's date and doesn't stick.  But no error or problems.  I haven't tried my real newt yet.  It has been unpowered for a few weeks (took the batteries out and haven't got around to putting fresh ones in yet).
> Here is hoping it will be a easy fix.  Although installing a new package will be more of a chore on my real newt now as I haven't had a working system to do that in a couple of years.  Been doing backups to flash cards since then.  Might have to look into building another virtual machine using Virtual PC to do it with Windows 98.  That was my most reliable method before as VirtualBox does not like Windows 98.
> -Dan
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