[NTLK] Looking for Nethopper's 'HTTP' protocol plugin

Dan dan at dbdigitalweb.com
Sun Feb 23 13:51:03 PST 2025

On 2/23/2025 10:50 AM, Grant Hutchinson via NewtonTalk wrote:
>> On Feb 23, 2025, at 12:51 AM, Daniel Padilla wrote:
>> ZNHpatch.pkg needs to be activated after Nethopper.  I tried to force this
>> by using "Z" in the name,  probably a silly idea, but it worked at the
>> time.  You can try to freeze the patch, reset the newton, make sure
>> Nethopper runs correctly and then unfreezing ZNHPatch.pgk.
> Would making sure both packages are on the same store help with this?
> If NetHopper was stored on a card, but the plugin was on the internal store, the plugin would load first.
>> For the UTF-8 issue,  maybe the other patch helps:  NHCharSets.pkg was done exactly for that.
> Thanks, Daniel!
> I completely missed seeing this plugin.
> g.

Yep they are both on the same store.  As soon as I install them though I get the error "An error occurred activating the package ZHPatch:DPR. It may not work with this system." (Part 0 type auto)" as soon as I install it.  I get it for the NHCharSets.pkg as well.  Tried freezing, restarting etc no difference.  Perhaps it is something to do with Einstein but I haven't had this problem with anything else.  Even LunaSuite works lol.

And yes thanks Daniel for chiming in.  I will keep playing with it and see.  But I tried a install without anything else installed except for NIE, NetHopper and the plugins with the same result.


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