[NTLK] Looking for Nethopper's 'HTTP' protocol plugin

DB DB at dbdigitalweb.com
Sat Feb 22 17:30:06 PST 2025

On 2/22/2025 6:46 PM, Grant Hutchinson via NewtonTalk wrote:
>>> On Feb 21, 2025, at 10:27 PM, Dan  wrote:
>>> Even just starting it I get "Downloading this document requires the 'http' Protocol plugin, which is not installed.
>> I am running into a similar error with some sites, but not others.
> Dan, I forgot to ask what sites you tried accessing.
> Starting NetHopper for the first time (and if you haven’t changed the Browser Options for what page is opened on startup), it will try to open the NetHopper help files residing on the AllPen site:
> http://www.allpen.com/NetHopper/help.html
> If you try to go to this page in any browser other than NetHopper, you hit a dead end or get a GoDaddy page saying the domain is for sale.
> I think that the allpen.com server is still sniffing the browser user agent for NetHopper and continuing to serve up the help page to Newton devices.
> The fact that you’re seeing an error when NetHopper starts up signals to me that there’s maybe something else installed on the Newton that’s interfering with the application.
> g.

I get this error when I am trying to go to ANY site.  Even my own internal webserver (a very simple one ... HFS).  I get the error with NHPatch even if everything else is removed but NIE, Nethopper and NHPatch.

Yeah I know NewtsCape would be a better option or Courier but what I am trying to do is get puzzles installed into WordBuddy and the only plugins it has to do this are NewtsCape (which I can't get to work so far) and NetHopper.  So I am trying Nethopper, but I can't get that to work at all even to look at my own internal webserver (HfS).  I can get NewtsCape to do that, see the .puz file, but then it doesn't know what to do with it (I might need a older version of NewtsCape that WordBuddy works with).  LunaSuite I can get the puz file, it sits in Inbox, but no way to get it over to WordBuddy.

Ironically NetHopper actually started showing the help page and working that far without a error.  Which is interesting considering I didn't change anything.  But ANY other site is a no go with a instant HTTP plugin error.


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