[NTLK] Museum of Failure as Journalists

Dan dan at dbdigitalweb.com
Thu Jan 25 20:46:09 PST 2024

On 1/22/2024 1:12 PM, Grant Hutchinson via NewtonTalk wrote:
>> On Jan 21, 2024, at 3:40 PM, Maury Estabrooks wrote:
>> I am done serving in the role of Apple Apologist.
> As am I. I just hate seeing inaccurate information persist.
>> If you are trying to decide if you should get into Newton or not, do not do it. For the people who know it, it will be worth it for them. Myself included.
> I couldn’t agree more. Thanks for this, Maury.
> g.

I also agree with what has been said about this.  But I also see how, depending on your definition, it might fit in the category of 'failure'.  What was developed in the Newton has lived on, just not exactly as we wanted.  Of course these days, security wise, one aspect of what made the Newton great could not be done now.

What *does* bug me is people never see what *IF* the Newton had continued, it would have done well.  The moment it was killed it WAS doing well.  Yes it hadn't made back the investment at that point, but it certainly WOULD have.  The only reason the plug was pulled was because Jobs had returned and killed all projects but Mac's, if they were making money or not.

He did save the company, now personally I think the Newton was the one project that COULD have been left alone.  It was on its own after all, a separate company.   It wasn't harming Apple or being a drain on their bottom line at that point.


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