[NTLK] Book about Newton

Noah Leon moosefuel at gmail.com
Fri Feb 16 06:58:34 PST 2024

Glad the film could be useful!

In regards to a book, it seems like there should be a comprehensive history of the Newton. I wonder if such a book would find a publisher?

I have a bunch of interviews, some about the really early days of the Newton, when it used the Dylan programming language, etc. There is a lot of unknown history. 

Defying Graviity is a great book, and the photos by Doug Menuez really make it special, but it really focuses a lot on the marketing and release of the Newton, and the prior history is only lightly touched upon. 

I wonder who would write such a new book?


> On Feb 15, 2024, at 15:00, newtontalk-request at newtontalk.net wrote:
> I conceded that he came by his animosity honestly. But, given that we were
> bonding over the Newton, I shared a link to *Love Notes from Newton* with
> him.

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