[NTLK] Cnet: Why Apple's Newton Flopped

Dan dan at dbdigitalweb.com
Sat Apr 13 22:24:04 PDT 2024

I came across a video "Why Apple's Newton Flopped and will history repeat itself" from March 6th of last year.  I don't agree with several things she said, but what I found interesting is her reaction to using the Newton.  And found it so shocking that it used AA batteries?  The only shock I had from that is they hadn't leaked at all.

For a tech site, you would think a person with a more technical mind would have been used.  One thing it did make me feel is old.  Either that or far smarter than the younger generation.  Why be dumbfounded at the "tapping this does nothing".  It is quite obvious it is part of another package and doesn't have a direct interface.  I never had any of the problems she did using a Newton.  I took to it like a duck to water. :) 



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