[NTLK] New blood asking the dumb questions :-)

Pawel Piotrowski newton at indigi.co.uk
Sat Sep 9 14:07:36 PDT 2023

Hi Sebastian!

Good to have you here!

> 1.) I'm heavily leaning towards getting a MessagePad 120 or 130 as my "entry-level" Newton. I understand OS 2.0 respectively 2.1 is the way to go due to the improvements and the available software.
> What about things like today's price, longetivity, maintainability and available spare parts? Are either the 120 or 130 a "good pick" in these regards?

I would suggest to buy some Newton 2000, 2100 or eMate 300. With earlier models you can’t do much. The models I mentioned give you way more options (WiFi connection, internet connection, faster, more reliable etc.). The earlier models are good for collecting them and play a little, but not very useful.

> 2.) The sources for Newtons listed in the FAQ are pretty U.S.-centric. Any reliable and affordable sources in Central Europe?

eBay, Newton users in EU.

> 3.) Browsing UNNA I discovered there's some incredibly valuable books ("California Nude Beaches") but I couldn't find something like an .epub reader. There's none? You guys convert your epubs to HTML first to read them on the Newton?

There is no dedicated books reader for Newton. Newton have special software to produce book format, called Newton Press (and a few other apps). You can prepare ‘book format’ package for Newton and upload it like app on Newton. And just tap on the icon on your Newton to open and read it. Just like that. You do not need any reader.

If you will get your Newton, you can download book from UNNA and just upload it on your Newton.

If you have more questions, just ask us here or contact me via FB :)

Best regards,
Pawel Piotrowski

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