[NTLK] Connecting a Newton/eMate to SheepSaver or Basilisk II emulators

Matthias Melcher m.melcher at robowerk.de
Wed Dec 6 12:04:18 PST 2023

> On Dec 6, 2023, at 07:35, Craig Bradley via NewtonTalk <newtontalk at newtontalk.net> wrote:
> Pawel,
> Any form of instructions would be fine. I just can’t seem to get it to work. 
> //Craig

I am using BasiliskII on my MacBook. 

First you need to know the name of your serial port adapter. Plug it into your Mac, open a Terminal window, and type "ls -l /dev/cu.*" (don't type the quotes) and press enter. You should get something like this:

crw-rw-rw-  1 root  wheel  0x9000001 Nov 29 20:56 /dev/cu.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port
crw-rw-rw-  1 root  wheel  0x9000001 Nov 29 20:56 /dev/cu.usbserial-10

Ignore the gibberish at the start and look at the last path name only. Since our cable is not the first line with Bluetooth, it must be the second line: "/dev/cu.usbserial-10". Tehnical term is "the path to the serial port adapter device". On Linux, they look the same. 

On MSWindows, you have to go into the Device Manager and look for Serial Port devices. They are named "COM1", "COM2", etc. . Or if you are brave, you open CMD.EXE and type `wmic path win32_pnpentity get caption /format:table| find "COM"` (without the ` and `). The path to such a device is "\\.\COM1".

BasiliskII is configured using a file named ".basilisk_ii_prefs" in my home directory. The '.' in front makes this a hidden file that you can't see in Finder. To open this file, I use the Terminal: "open .basilisk_ii_prefs". Then find the line that starts with "seriala". Add the path name of the device you just found, so the line reads "seriala /dev/cu.usbserial-10" (without the quotes and with the path name of *your* adapter). Restart BasiliskII.

Using "serial" and "modem port" within BasiliskII should now connect directly to your serial port adapter. No drivers on the Classic side needed.

Hope that helps.

 - Matthias

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