[NTLK] From Down Under

Doug Denby ddenby at rogers.com
Sat Aug 26 06:51:43 PDT 2023

So glad to see lurkers from the other side of this globe. I live just outside Toronto in Ontario, Canada but took a short three month tour of Australia including Tasmania in 1999. The tour was part of my retirement award to myself. We travelled mainly in a small rented motor home that only broke down once.

Along on this tour was with my wife and my trusty Newton that I used to call home in the manner described by the illustrious Woz. 

I kept a daily log on the Newton, sending updates via eMail almost daily to multiple friends back home in Canada and the US.

At the time I carried the Newton in a shoulder holster that was convenient but airport officials were somewhat perturbed, perhaps thinking it was a percussion style weapon.

My current collection of Newton stuff is small enough to store in a couple of cardboard boxes about the size of the two Lisa XL computers I finally unloaded half a decade after returning from Down Under.

Doug Denby
From his iPhone.

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