[NTLK] OFF !! NTLK | Has anyone been able to register the Sound Icons Maker?

Sylvain Pilet sylvain at pilet.net
Sat Oct 22 14:41:12 PDT 2022


- For VoiceNotes my skills in coding/decoding in Newton are too poor to understand all the code and to understand the script of encoding the RegCode of VoiceNotes, this part is "coded" in the source code in a format that I don't know how to manage and I can't understand how the RegCode is calculated, knowing that it is based on the User Name registered on NewtonOS and the serial number of the Newton. In other words, only one Newton was registered to use VoiceNotes (not cool if your Newton broke down…)

- But for SoundIconMaker, I can do something for you, something simple, a hack code that was distributed at the time "under the table" as we say here in France ;-)
((( That's why I'm answering you in Off in relation to NewtonTalk, it's not the kind of thing that we shout from the rooftops ;-) )))

Register SoundIconMaker with the following information:
User: MoonDark
Code: ugfddqfu

Et voilà !
I've just tested it, Un my old Mac it works ;-)

Sylvain Pilet

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