[NTLK] BasiliskII configuration (MacOS 7.5.5 // 10.11.6 MacPro 2.1)

Sylvain Pilet sylvain at pilet.net
Sat Feb 5 00:07:16 PST 2022

Hi everyone,

I use NTK a lot on MacOS Classic (7.5.5) and I would like to be able to use AppleTalk from BasiliskII that I run on my MacPro 2.1 with MacOSX 10.11.6.
But I can't find a version of BasiliskII that supports one of the two network outputs (en0 or en1) of the MacPro which runs on 10.11.6.
Is there anyone among you who knows how to configure all this in my setup?
Thanks in advance.

Sylvain Pilet

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