[NTLK] Planning to crack Bernie’s BookReader if abandonware. Does anyone else need this app?

Andrei Chichak newton at chichak.ca
Fri Sep 17 09:45:31 PDT 2021

I’d just like to remind everybody that there is no such thing as abandonware. Software is covered by copyright law and it holds for about 75 years after the death of the author. You can thank Disney® for that one.

Just because you can’t get a response from the author, he does not give up his copy or moral rights. Life’s like that sometimes.


> On 2021-September-17, at 10:23, Michael Rebar <michael.rebar at gmail.com> wrote:
> Have not heard from developer so planning to crack the shareware protection on this program since likely abandonware.
> Does anyone else need this program? If so let me know.
> Or does someone already have a key gen?
> Sent from my iPhone
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