[NTLK] NewtonTalk Digest, Vol 94, Issue 4

Mark Kuberski berskyboy at gmail.com
Wed Oct 13 13:42:45 PDT 2021

My Little Green Friend LIVES!!!

Thanks to some comments and troubleshooting tips on disassembly and backlight repair, my Newton MessagePad 2000 has a NEW green glow!  

Thanks Doug for your emails and encouragement and Frank for your great website and great pics.

I made a YouTube video of the disassembly and the finished product.


Thanks everyone,


Message: 2
Date: Mon, 4 Oct 2021 14:43:29 -0600
From: Mark Kuberski <berskyboy at gmail.com>
To: newtontalk at newtontalk.net
Subject: [NTLK] My Apple Newton messagepad 2000 DIM SCREEN
Message-ID: <13C4B419-9F16-4B96-857C-D0BCB2D6C176 at gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain;    charset=utf-8

Hi everyone,

A while ago I bought a replacement screen from www.backlight4you.com <http://www.backlight4you.com/>

I have seen Frank's wonderful and handy website too
https://www.pda-soft.de/2x00backlightreplacement.html <https://www.pda-soft.de/2x00backlightreplacement.html>

Along with the website from where I bought the replacement
https://www.backlight4you.com/EL-Panels/Backlight-Kits/Replacement-Backlight-for-MessagePad-2000-2100::753.html <https://www.backlight4you.com/EL-Panels/Backlight-Kits/Replacement-Backlight-for-MessagePad-2000-2100::753.html>

But?. I stared taking my Newton apart and some of the plastic clips to release the wires broke while I was removing them with small tools, so I stopped immediately for fear of destroying it.  I was trying this on my oldest Newton to get some experience and confidence.  Has anyone done a backlight replacement recently?  I live in Canda and thought of shipping it out to someone that could do the repair, maybe just maybe this could also BE a topic for our Annual Newton meeting too?

My eyes are dim, as my Newton screen goes dimmer, (and that doesn?t include beer LOL)

Thanks for all the engagement here at Newtontalk, it really helps and makes us feel we are not ?alone?


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