[NTLK] What do you consider essential packages for eMate?

Andre Garzia andre at andregarzia.com
Thu Mar 18 08:30:06 PDT 2021

Hey Folks,

Thanks to the help of Pawel, I've got a working eMate 300 here and am ready
to use it as a creative writing machine. The last Newton I used frequently
was my former MP2000 — which broke because someone sat on it as it was
under a magazine on a bench — and I thought that the packages I used with
it might not make as much sense on an eMate.

What are the packages you folks recommend installing? Any package you know
that is good for writers working on fiction novels?

So far I'm going to install the date fix, the serial speed bumping, don't
know what else. Also, I'm terrified of the hinge repair and might postpone
it for a couple months, I know it is dangerous but this is an unused
device, it is brand new, we don't expect the hinge to break that easily

https://www.andregarzia.com <http://www.andregarzia.com>
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