[NTLK] ROMDumper

Michael Sheflin sheflinm at gmail.com
Tue Mar 16 13:06:10 PDT 2021

Hi, I know someone has advertised sending screenshots of Newtons in return
for ROM files.  I have ROMDumper.pkg on my 2100 and I assume I previously
dumped my own ROM.  But regardless, I have ROM files somewhere.

When I tried to dump the ROM today, ROMDumper didn't work.  The furthest I
got was the message that it is listening on a particular port, but no
actual IP shows up and I couldn't connect to Einstein on my Macbook.

Is this a known issue with ROMDumper?  I was concerned my version might be
corrupted, so I deleted and re-downloaded it from my own ftp server, but it
did not help.  (Is this connected to the screenshots issue, or is that just
because most people dumping ROMs do not have wifi working?)  In the
meantime, I'll start looking through my old files for working ROMs.


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