[NTLK] Anyone heard from Steve Weyer recently?

Forrest newton_phoenix at mindspring.com
Fri Mar 5 11:17:28 PST 2021

And, as it happens, when I review the email I just sent—and expecting to see a long trail of old junk—I see very little.

Hmpf. Carry on.


Sent from my T-Mobile iPhone 11

> On Mar 5, 2021, at 12:12 PM, Forrest <newton_phoenix at mindspring.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> Time for me to chime in again and PLEASE ask that, when we are replying to messages, we TRIM AWAY the cruft of the OLD messages in the thread.
> Although I’m not doing it right at present, I sometimes download and read NTLK email on my Newton. Emails with all the old stuff still present don’t usually pass the MailV setting that the downloaded email be less than 2K, so it gets passed over.
> This isn’t just for me—there might be others that also try and follow along using email downloaded to their Newtons. There is a special nostalgic thrill in sending and receiving NTLK messages this way—and Grant and Victor (the original List Dad) can correct me on this, but NTLK was originally specifically designed for this purpose, which is why no images can be imbedded in the messages. (I think I recall reading that somewhere years ago.)
> I have deliberately NOT trimmed this email of all the extra junk so one could scroll down and see for oneself what I mean. It used to be standard practice to trim ANY email of this material; I think we’ve just gotten lazy over the years.
> Thanks as always for your cooperation.
> Mahalo,
> Forrest
> Sent from my T-Mobile iPhone 11
>> On Mar 5, 2021, at 11:17 AM, Sylvain Pilet <sylvain at pilet.net> wrote:
>> Hi Steve,
>> Yes, please unblocking my IP address, I wanted to make a capture of your site (with a web vacuum) and your server ejected me directly! 
>> I wanted to make an archive to consult it offline... so I missed it.
>> My IP address is
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Sylvain Pilet
>> http://message-pad.net
>> http://messagepad.no-ip.org:3680 [NPDS Tracker]
>>>> Le 5 mars 2021 à 15:46, Stephen Weyer via NewtonTalk <newtontalk at newtontalk.net> a écrit :
>>> hi Sylvain (and others),
>>> if you or anyone here gets a 403 error (forbidden access)
>>> when trying to access https://communicrossings.com/ <https://communicrossings.com/>
>>> email me with your IP address and I’ll make sure I unblock the IP range like I did for Grant.
>>> (basically, when I notice hacking attempts on my site I tend to aggressively block ranges)
>>> you can email me at saweyer at gmail.com <mailto:saweyer at gmail.com>  or swxmail at icloud.com <mailto:swxmail at icloud.com>
>>> Steve
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