[NTLK] Mobiscribe Interest

Sylvain Pilet sylvain at pilet.net
Thu Mar 4 02:20:16 PST 2021


Hiroshi offered the sources of the Wifi WaveLan driver, we must certainly find them on UNNA, otherwise there is an archive on my site:

Hiroshi à offert les sources du driver Wifi WaveLan, on doit certainement les trouver sur UNNA, sinon il y a une archive sur mon site : http://message-pad.net/Download/Driver_Wifi_Newton/NewtonWaveLAN_source.zip

> Le 3 mars 2021 à 22:14, Michael Sheflin <sheflinm at gmail.com> a écrit :
> Is anyone in touch with Hiroshi Noguchi?  I assume he is not on his list.
> And from what I recall, his wifi drivers are not open source - and I can't
> recall if he ever released the source code.  That will be the biggest
> stumbling block - no modern wifi.  Even putting that aside, Newtscape
> (which I believe is up there as one of the best browsers) is insanely slow
> due to processing power limitations (I assume).

Sylvain Pilet

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