[NTLK] Mirror of www.logictools.de | Wanted Nick Müller
Michael Homscheidt
Michael.Homscheidt at web.de
Fri Apr 23 13:30:09 PDT 2021
Hello all,
maybe I can shed some light on the story of Nick.
At some time in the 1990s he founded a user group of Newton friends in Munich. The group was called „Unabhängige Newton User Group München“ (UNUGMUC) what could be translated to something like „Independant Newton User Group Munich“. I’m not sure what the „independant“ was, maybe independant from Apple Inc. The group met on a regular basis once a month.
I joined this group in summer 2000. There were always some Newtons around but the main topic was now the Mac and the upcoming release of Mac OS X (Cheetah). Nick, as an official Apple develper, was able to show us the first beta releases of Cheetah. He did some development of software for Mac OS X. I can remember a really good calendar app. The first relases of Mac OS X did not include a calendar app. Unfortunately one of the next releases of Mac OS X, most probably Puma, included a calendar app and Nick saw no chance of selling his app. He said that there are too much young and avid programmers and he has no chance to sell his products. If I remember correctly he discarded software development by then.
I’m not sure what he did then but he didn’t join the groups monthly meetings on a regular basis anymore. Sometimes he joined and talked about single board computers and embedded software. He was very interested in the Propeller chip (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parallax_Propeller). At about that time he came with a digital caliper with a digital readout that could be read by software and called this YADRO (Yet Another Digital ReadOut). You can find an entry in a newsgroup here (in German): https://de.rec.modelle.misc.narkive.com/RD39JNrB/digital-anzeige-im-selbstbau-oder-the-yadro-files <https://de.rec.modelle.misc.narkive.com/RD39JNrB/digital-anzeige-im-selbstbau-oder-the-yadro-files> . This entry is 15 years old.
After that I haven’t seen Nick for some time. I met him by chance on an hobby exhibition (exhibition for steam model railways in Sinsheim, Germany) were he presented a working model of a ship (?) motor driven by pressurized air (this was in January 2005, I have a picture of him and his model). The internet site http://www.motor-manufaktur.de/ <http://www.motor-manufaktur.de/> belonged to him. I found a first snapshot of it under https://web.archive.org/web/20060212143802/http://www.motor-manufaktur.de/ <https://web.archive.org/web/20060212143802/http://www.motor-manufaktur.de/> This snapshot was done in 2006 and fits to that 15 years old entry in the newsgroup. The last snapshot of that website is from 2013 (https://web.archive.org/web/20131126200316/http://motor-manufaktur.de/index.html).
After 2007 the interest in the User Group declined. I can remember that we discussed and examined the first iPhone / iPod touch (2007). Afterwards the meetings were not on a regular basis anymore and stopped completly. That was maybe in 2008 or 2009.
> Am 09.04.2021 um 12:39 schrieb Sylvain Pilet <sylvain at pilet.net>:
> Hi all,
> I started to make a complete and clean archive of Nick Müller's site www.logictools.de which had designed some very useful utilities and applications for our Newton. Except that I'm missing all the sources that Nick Müller had shared on his site.
> Did any of you make an archive of these sources when they were available on his site? Don't look on WebArchives I already searched WebArchives from top to bottom they are not there.
> Or better yet, do any of you know what happened to Nick, because we can't find him after 2004 on the web?
> While waiting to find the sources, you can nevertheless enjoy all his applications and utilities on the mirror of the site www.logictools.de which is available at this address:
> http://message-pad.net/Mirrors/www.logictools.de/english/
> Or in German :
> http://message-pad.net/Mirrors/www.logictools.de/
> [FR]
> Sauvegarde du site www.logictools.de
> J'ai commencé à faire une archive complète et propre du site de Nick Müller www.logictools.de qui avait conçus de très utiles utilitaires et applications pour nos Newton. Sauf qu'il me manque toutes les sources que Nick Müller avait partagé sur son site.
> Est-ce que l'un d'entre-vous aurait fait une archives de ces sources quand elles étaient disponibles sut son site ? Ne cherchez pas sur WebArchives j'ai déjà fouillé de fond en comble WebArchives il n'y sont pas.
> Où mieux encore, est-ce que l'un d'entre vous, sait ce qu'ait devenu Nick, car on ne retrouve pas sa trace après 2004 sur la toile ?
> En attendant de retrouver les sources, vous pouvez néanmoins profiter de toutes ses applications et utilitaires sur le miroir du site www.logictools.de qui est consultable à cette adresse :
> http://message-pad.net/Mirrors/www.logictools.de/english/
> Ou en Allemand :
> http://message-pad.net/Mirrors/www.logictools.de/
> (Une future traduction en Français est possible ;-) )
> Sylvain Pilet
> http://message-pad.net
> http://messagepad.no-ip.org:3680 [NPDS Tracker]
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Michael Homscheidt
Natürlich kann man in der Rückschau immer sagen, man hätte mehr tun können. Aber man kann nur so viel tun, wie das System, das in Kraft ist, zulässt."
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