[NTLK] Mirror of www.logictools.de | Wanted Nick Müller

Pawel Piotrowski newton at indigi.co.uk
Tue Apr 13 05:56:25 PDT 2021

> On 9 Apr 2021, at 11:39, Sylvain Pilet <sylvain at pilet.net> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I started to make a complete and clean archive of Nick Müller's site www.logictools.de which had designed some very useful utilities and applications for our Newton. Except that I'm missing all the sources that Nick Müller had shared on his site. 
> Did any of you make an archive of these sources when they were available on his site? Don't look on WebArchives I already searched WebArchives from top to bottom they are not there.
> Or better yet, do any of you know what happened to Nick, because we can't find him after 2004 on the web?
> While waiting to find the sources, you can nevertheless enjoy all his applications and utilities on the mirror of the site www.logictools.de which is available at this address:
> http://message-pad.net/Mirrors/www.logictools.de/english/
> Or in German :
> http://message-pad.net/Mirrors/www.logictools.de/ <http://message-pad.net/Mirrors/www.logictools.de/>
Hi Sylvain,

I don’t have that mirror on my Newton Archive, but you can check the ISO images from my software.applenewton.co.uk <http://software.applenewton.co.uk/> There is a few ISO images from Newton Users who shared their private collections. I remember that I saw somewhere there a ‘web mirror’ folders…


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