[NTLK] Getting Started with Newton in 2021

Alan Grassia alan.grassia at gmail.com
Mon Apr 12 17:32:40 PDT 2021

Hello Newton Friends,


As a relatively new Newton user and participant on the NewtonTalk mailing list, I wanted to share my notes about getting started with a Newton MessagePad or eMate 300 in 2021.


I have posted a new page on my website with details and links that I hope  someone experiencing Newton OS for the first time may find helpful.




I will update the page over time.




Alan Grassia



MessagePad 2000, MessagePad 2100, eMate 300


Website: http://blog.smartphonefanatics.com

Twitter: https://twitter.com/alanmgrassia

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alangrassia



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